Manpower Agency Website

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This manpower agency needed a web application to help them with the processing of the job applications of massive number of job-seekers they were having.

There was a routine SOP for every new job application that needed to be followed through for all job seekers with some variations depending on some variables that needed to be automatically considered.

The SOP had 13 steps in total such as: Initial Job Interview, Data entry to system, Medical Tests, Orientaion, Passport & Visa issuance, etc. Tracking the status of each applicant and avoiding critical deadlines was the pain point of this company.

I helped them by building exactly what they needed. A visual representation (vertical pointed timeline) was made to show the current step of the application for any given job-seeker in the system, again with many more details and features. Ohh, before I forget... and with a nice warning screen right inside the dashboard page of admin panel giving heads up as to who is approaching what deadline in how many days! Awesome stuff! :)